B4TW - Shiner Holiday Cheer
We already have a beer for tonight's game. But what should we drink the rest of the weekend? We've been seeing so much Texas in the playoffs and our weather is going to be like Texas at Thanksgiving we should be drinking a little bit of Texas for the weekend. And Texas has delivered one of my favorite beers of any time of year, but one that goes well with the cool crisp nights after warm sunny days, Shiner Holiday Cheer.
Holiday Cheer is Shiner's winter seasonal and boasts 2 great Texas flavors, peaches and pecans. It's a bit of a dangerous beer because of a sixer will go down so easy you'd think you just saw a St. Louisian greet David Freese. Peach beers don't do much for me, but Holiday Cheer transcends the fruit flavor fireld with the addition of the sweetness of the pecans. There's simply not a better beer for this weekend when we could be celebrating the Texas Rangers' first World Series championship. And as the Riggins boys would say, Texas Forever. That's why Shiner Holiday Cheer is the beer for the weekend.
Holiday Cheer is Shiner's winter seasonal and boasts 2 great Texas flavors, peaches and pecans. It's a bit of a dangerous beer because of a sixer will go down so easy you'd think you just saw a St. Louisian greet David Freese. Peach beers don't do much for me, but Holiday Cheer transcends the fruit flavor fireld with the addition of the sweetness of the pecans. There's simply not a better beer for this weekend when we could be celebrating the Texas Rangers' first World Series championship. And as the Riggins boys would say, Texas Forever. That's why Shiner Holiday Cheer is the beer for the weekend.