Brew Masters Tonight
Set your DVR's for the premiere of "Brew Masters" on Discovery tonight at 9. The show will be about craft beer and will follow Sam Calagione, founder of Dogfish Head, around as he travels around drinking beer and stuff. You caught me, I don't have any idea what the show is going to be about other than beer and Sam. It should be entertaining for those of us with an interest in beer, since you're reading this I assume you're in that club.
Speaking of Dogfish Head, I had some Festina Peche from Dogfish Head the other night. It's a peach beer that's real light and would be perfect in the summer. Well, it'd be perfect if I liked it a lot, but I didn't. The peach flavor is there but not that pleasant. As the beer warmed it got a little better, but nothing I'm going to want to buy again. I love Dogfish Head and all their beers deserve a taste.But, there's a definite risk you're not going to like it. I've run into that with Midas Touch and I look forward to running into not liking another one, I'm looking at you Aprihop. While you may not love all their offerings, they're all well made and deserve to be tried.
Speaking of Dogfish Head, I had some Festina Peche from Dogfish Head the other night. It's a peach beer that's real light and would be perfect in the summer. Well, it'd be perfect if I liked it a lot, but I didn't. The peach flavor is there but not that pleasant. As the beer warmed it got a little better, but nothing I'm going to want to buy again. I love Dogfish Head and all their beers deserve a taste.But, there's a definite risk you're not going to like it. I've run into that with Midas Touch and I look forward to running into not liking another one, I'm looking at you Aprihop. While you may not love all their offerings, they're all well made and deserve to be tried.